At the end of the day
“At the end of the day”…………..This is a phrase I have heard quite frequently. You have probably heard it too. “At the end of the day”……….What? Or better still: At the end of your life……..What? That phrase came back to me with force today. I had been thinking of course about the end of the day and the end of my own life.
A question: Is your life ending up in a hopeless end or in an endless hope? It does not need to end up in a hopelss end. It can end up in a HOPE without END!
For all those who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ do have an endless hope. What is hope? Hope is desire with expectancy.
Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have confessed their sins. They have come out of darkness into light. They know that they have eternal life. ( First John 5:13 ) The Lord is their Saviour and not their Judge.
At the end of the’ DAY’ they are going to meet up with the Lord Jesus Christ. What a glorious Day that will be.
The desire of believers in Jesus will then be fulfilled and what they expected will have come true. Halleluiah!
Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in HOPE, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”