
A. Incommunicable Attributes

B. Communicable Attributes

A. Incommunicable Attributes
1. The selfexistence of God — Exodus 3:13,14,15

God is the first cause of everything but he himself is uncaused.

God is the only independent being in the universe.

Men are dependent beings. Someone said: ‘ We are the echo of an original voice.’

We are willing to share ourselves, to sacrifice ourselves , but we are not willing to dethrone ourselves.

Acts 2:36,37

All of a sudden they realized that they were dependent beings!

‘Spirit of Independence’ I saw written today on a Mercedes Maui rental car. I would have liked to take a picture, but my digital camera was at home.—We are not even sure of our next breath!

2. The unchangeability of God– Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 1:10,11,12

The promises of God are unchangeable. Most of us know some promises off by heart.

3. The infinity of God — Psalm 139:7-10// 2 Peter 3:8

He is unlimited

a. by defect

b. by time

c. by space     We cannot escape HIM!

4. The Unity of God  Exodus 15:11    1 Corinthians 8:6

B. Communicable Attributes

1. The spirituality of God John 4:24

2. The intellectual attributes   Romans 11,33

a. Knowledge

b. wisdom

c. veracity

To be continued!