Are you distressed?

I am in a big bookshop and above the bookshelves filled with the books for sale I see several posters with the following words on them “Fiction Authors A to Z Fiction” And above is written “I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve.” Montisquieu

I have experienced that myself also especially with books I was really interested in. I know the authors of a number of books personally and I am especially interested in the books they have written.

That is just at the moment the case because I am reading a book written by a lady who lives here in the same town where I live. In that book she relates her experiences she has had as a missionary in Africa. In fact she has been working there on that continent for many years and in two countries. Very interesting reading indeed.

The best book however to read when one is distressed is the Bible , the Word of the Living God. There is power in the Word of God. There are so many precious promises in the Bible. Of course you can only understand the Bible properly when you know the author personally, namely the Holy Spirit.

There is one promise in the Bible that deals with distress and this promise is also widely known. It is a portion of the Word of God in the book of Philippians. The apostle Paul is writing to the Christians in the town of Philippi in his letter in chapter four in verse 6: Philippians 4:6 ( press on the verse)

What a wonderful promise!
