Fishers of Men
Under Categories PERSONAL EVANGELISM you find the story “Made by God- packed by Charlie’s” were I wrote the following: I AM NOW MORE THAN EVER CONVINCED THAT WE HAVE TO TRAIN UP PEOPLE IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM.
Source of Light Ministries International, Inc. , 1011 Mission Road, MADISON, GEORGIA 30650 do have a soulwinning course designed to help older teens and adult students know how to lead others to the Savior called FISHERS OF MEN. So it says in the Catalog.
There are 3 little study books!
Book One:
The definition of Soulwinning / The necessity of Soulwinning / Basic qualifications to be a Soulwinner / The place of God’s Word in Soulwinning.
Book Two:
The place of the Holy Spirit in Soulwinning / The Soulwinners task / How to carry out the task.
Book Three:
Follow-up Soulwinning / Conclusion.