I am of course used to sending Christmas cards to my friends. But I have only noticed lately that business people want us to send Easter cards as well. Some of those cards can be quite expensive and have nothing to do with Easter. One says: “Hurray! It’s Easter”, with the picture of a laughing bunny rabbit on the front page. When you are opening the card it goes on like this:” Hope Easter day is fun each minute with lots of nice surprises in it! Have a Fun Easter!”– A play group with the motto “Come and grow with us” advertises in the Coffee News the ANNUAL EASTERDIG on Easter Saturday at Taipa Beach. Heaps of Easter eggs and so on and the big dig starts at 12.30 am.

Are we really having a Fun Easter? Or are we making fun of Easter?

Politicians are always talking about their plan for the future and of course they need a plan for the future. But listen to what the statesman Konrad Adenauer once said,” The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in the history of mankind. If Jesus Christ would not have risen from the dead there would not be the slightest glimmer of HOPE for the human race.” I am sure you know who Konrad Adenauer was.

Yes, at Easter Time we are commemorating the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ loved us so much that he came to this earth to die for us, to give his very life for us. What a love! Because of our sin we don’t deserve to live. The penalty for sin is death. Somebody must bear the penalty for death. We must bear it or a suitable substitute must bear it. The Lord Jesus Christ is the suitable substitute. The Lord Jesus Christ died for the sin of the whole world. I am glad that he also died for my sin. But he also died for your sin. Believe it, the death of the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for every sinner.

But that is not all. The Lord Jesus Christ rose again. The resurrection is mentioned more than hundert times in the New Testament. (104 times) Only Christians have a living Saviour. Yes, there are other religions. But the originators of those religions are dead! Somebody said the resurrection is the greatest power in the world outside the power of Prayer.

Some atheists want to make really sure that they will never rise. They say for example: “My body is to be cremated and my ashes taken by plane and scattered in the ocean.” But later in the resurrection when the trumpet sounds, the bodies of those atheists will come together and stand perfect in the presence of Christ!

PS: I received an email just now-6. 3. 08- reminding me that it is only 18 days to Easter!
