I hope this is helpful for Personal Evangelism:

We are needy people, because we are sinners. It is a fact and we read about this fact in Romans 3:23 in the Bible. There is also a penalty for sin. It says so in Romans 6:23.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can meet our need. He paid the penalty. Romans 5:8. The Lord Jesus Christ has the desire to meet our need. It says so in Luke 19:10. Our Salvation is a (free) gift. Read Ephesians 2:8,9.

But we must ask the Lord to come into our hearts to meet our need. Read John 1:12 and Revelation 3:20.

The Lord Jesus has promised to come into our hearts, to cleanse us from all sin, to make us sons and daughters of God, to give us eternal life. He has promised to live in our hearts. But we must invite him into our hearts and surrender to His control.

What must we do to be saved? Acts 16:30 We must admit our sin, admit our helplessness and Christ’s sufficiency and admit the Saviour into our hearts.