“We always put you first” – Vodafone
I like that, so I copied it down. And I notice also that it does not say we put you first, but it says we always put you first. Always is very important! There is lots of talk at times to get our priorities right. And you have heard it said, “First things first.”
That brings me actually to a verse from the Bible, the Word of the Living God. Actually Matthew 6:33 is a well known verse, often quoted. It says there, ” But seek first his KINGDOM and his RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
What a message “First things first.” Are our priorities right? Are we saying to the Lord Jesus Christ, “I put you always first, Lord!” We are commanded do do so.
Two words are very important in that verse, namely KINGDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
There is lots of talk about the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. But what does it really mean to seek the kingdom? It is good, that we have Bible dictionaries. The 20th Century Bible Dictionary says, “Seeking the kingdom must be the first goal of the Christian (Matt. 6:33)- that is, conforming to the will of God and recognizing His sovereignty over all life.”
And what does it mean to seek his RIGHTEOUSNESS?
The Bible dictionary again, ” In the New Testament God manifests His righteousness in His dealings with sinful men by His gracious action through Christ to justify and save all who respond in faith to his redeeming work.”
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I have here the New International Version before me and Matthew 6:33 is included in the verses Matthew 6:25-33 and the beautiful heading is “DO NOT WORRY.”