Time suddenly became precious for the married couple.
I read that in the four page publication called “KOWHAI CONNECTION” I picked up before Christmas in Auckland. (There are beautiful pictures in that magazine!)
The husband was diagnosed with cancer and they did now three things: From now on they focused on having the best time of their lives, packing in as many adventures as they could. And thirdly they would be using the GIFT OF TIME to say the things they needed to say.
Time should be precious for all of us all the time. And time is precious! The couple mentioned above had only nine months to say ‘good-bye’ and to say the things they needed to say.
But we are all on the same boat. And we don’t know the time when we have to say ‘good-bye’. But the time is coming for all of us. The time is coming for all of us to meet our creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. And I also want to use my gift of time to say the things I need to say:
Today is the Day!
Do you hear the voice of the Lord?
If you do, don’t harden your heart.
NOW is then time of God’s favour.
Now is the DAY of SALVATION!
The Lord hears us NOW , if we cry out to him.
This is the day of SALVATION and HE wants to help us NOW!
Psalm 95:7,8
Second Corinthians 6:2