I began reading all the different posters which were hanging on the walls inside the big building. (Salvation Army, Kaitaia) Most of the posters had Bibleverses written on them (some Bibleverses and pictures) – but there were also posters without Bibletexts.
One word I read again and again on almost every poster displayed and that word was……… Yes, you guessed it: LOVE (Aroha)!
I do not know if the posters with LOVE written on them were put there deliberately or if ‘it just happened’.
When you go through the main entrance you can see to your left the poster: “Love bears all things.” First Corinthians 13:7 (RSV) including a picture. To the right is hanging the poster I really like. Only “LOVE IS LIMITLESS” is written on it.
Unfortunately one important Bibleverse I did not see there. Maybe I missed it. That is First Corinthians 13:13. “And now these three remain: faith hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.”
Yes the message was always LOVE, is always LOVE and will always be Love!
Is John 3:16 the best known verse in the Bible?