Have you had your Inner Health Plus Today?

What a question!

I will answer it.

Yes, I have read from the Bible, the Word of the Living God TODAY. I have also read from the devotional classic by C.H. Spurgeon called “MORNING AND EVENING” TODAY.Ownership 028

And I was encouraged!

Spurgeon is mentioning Matthew 16:17 where the Lord himself says to Peter, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my father in heaven.”

God is revealing things. Is that not exciting. It is indeed. God is revealing things to people when we pray for them.

I know my mother prayed for me to come out of darkness into light, from death to life. And I came. It is exciting to be in touch with the Living God!

What about you? Are you in touch with the Living God?


Inner Health Plus is a dietary supplement. You can buy it in a bottle and there are 30 capsules in a bottle. ( 25 Billion Good Bacteria Per Capsule)