“Please consider the environment before printing this email.” Have you ever seen that?
I received two beautiful PENTEL deluxe retractable ballpoint pens for Christmas, neatly packaged, and on the back of the recyclable board is written: “This board is made from recycled material and may be recycled. Please dispose of packaging thoughtfully. Pentel is working with you to create a HEALTHIER environment.”
I read the above about a healthier environment some days ago with great interest.
Today I read some more about the environment. Today I read about the perfect environment with even greater interest. What I read about the perfect environment is written in a very old book. The book was first published in 1945. The author of the book is H. L. GEE and the title of the book is: “Good in Everything.”
“It is not a comfortable world for souls who would be comfortable. It is not designed to be comfortable. It is planned to keep mankind on the track. Life is not a boarding-house; it is a line of march. From the beginning all things which have life have struggled to create the PERFECT environment, and always some catastrophic force or slow inexorable pressure has tumbled their plans with a stern ‘HERE IS NO ABIDING PLACE – FORWARD, MARCH.'”
From Sunwise, by Sidney F. Wicks