“Safe Hands, since 1926”

I like the advertisement on page 14 of the Baptist, magazine of the Baptist Churches of  New Zealand, (Vol. 126 No. 5 June 2010). It is a Lawyers advertisement and it says “We can assist with all your legal needs:” What I like best is the last sentence where it says “Safe hands, since 1926.”

We are all looking for safe hands. You are looking for safe hands. I am looking for safe hands.

I am in safe hands since 1958. I was 18 years of age at that time. I am not only in safe hands, but I am also in safe arms. I am in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who knows the hymn “Safe in the arms of Jesus?”

The chorus goes like this:

“Safe in the arms of Jesus,

Safe on His gentle breast,

There, by His love o’ershaded,

Sweetly my soul shall rest.”

John 10:28  “…..; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”

John 10:29 “….; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”