I know many Missionary Societies. They have different policies, when it comes to money matters.
Some Missionary Societies appeal for funds. Some Missionary Societies do not appeal for funds.
I belong to a Missionary Society that does not appeal for funds. (WEC International)
In the JUNE Baptist, the magazine of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand, I read about a Missionary Society that appeals for funds. (Tranzend NEW ZEALAND BAPTISTS IN GLOBAL MISSION)
There is a picture of a family. Underneath the picture it says: “WE HAVE A DREAM”. Above the picture you can read: “Will you join Paul and Sarah’s Support Crew?”
God has been working in their hearts for about 12 years to WORK WITH THE POOR with Tranzend in South Asia. They are hoping to arrive there in September and this is June. And these are their own words, “Between now and then we’ve got a lot to do. We’ve got to raise all of our financial support and we’ve got to get a good support crew.”
I mentioned already, that I belong to a Missionary Society that does not appeal for funds. (WEC International – www. wec-int.org.)
I joined WEC International in 1966 and I retired in 2004. That are almost 40 years!
Please read THE GREAT COMMISSION in Matthew 28:16-20!