I am not surprised to read about heaven and hell in the newspaper, or rather part of the newspaper.

But I am surprised, that I don’t hear more about heaven and hell in the church.

The magazine “VIVA” comes with the New Zealand Hearld. In “Viva” 23 June , 2010 I find this very interesting advertisement: “Are your stairs giving you hell? We can make your life heaven with a Stannah stairlift.” The ad has also a picture.

Why I am surprised, that I don’t hear more about heaven and hell in the church?  Because the Bible, the Word of the Living God has a lot to say about heaven and hell.

HEAVEN IS A PERFECT PLACE:  One hundred Bible Lessons by A. Douglas, page 230+231

1. A place of perfect satisfaction. Revelation 22:1,2

2. A place of perfect provision. Revelation 22:2

3. A place of perfect sinlessness. Revelation 22:3

4. A place of perfect  government. Revelation 22:3

5. A place of perfect service. Revelation 22:3

6. A place of perfect communion. Revelation 22:4

7. A place of perfect possession. Revelation 22:4

8. A place of perfect glory. Revelation 22:5

A DESCRIPTION OF HELL: One hundred Bible Lessons by A Douglas,  page 232

1. It is a place of punishment. Matthew 25:46

2. It is a place of torment. Luke 16:23

3. It is a place of fire. Matthew 13:42,50

4. It is a place of worms. Mark 9:44,46,48

5. In Luke 16:23 the man had the ability to recognize others.

6. In Luke 16:27, the man had the ability to pray, though the prayer was denied.

7.  Luke 16:24-27 the man still had desire. He desired water to drink and a missionary to go and preach to his brethren, warning them not to come.

Can you remember, when you heard your last sermon about heaven?

Can you remember, when you heard your last sermon about hell?