Sky Tower in Auckland is the tallest man-made structure in New Zealand with views of up to 8o kilometres in every direction. One of the Sky Tower lifts took me  to the Main Observation Level in 40 seconds at 18 kph. (186 meters) On the Main Observation Level is Lift access to the Sky Deck. (220 metres)

Sky Tower has not only concrete floors. There is also a glass floor. Near the glass floor is written, “THIS GLASS FLOOR IS 38MM THICK. IT IS  AS STRONG AS THE CONCRETE FLOOR YOU ARE STANDING ON”.

Through this glass floor you can see straight down. The cars are only five to ten millimetres long. On one building you can read “Mexican Food”.

This was my second visit to the Sky Tower and the second time that I was near the glass floor, but as the first time, I hesitated to walk on the glass floor. Why was I so reluctant? Did I not trust the see-through-floor? Near the glass floor was the assuring writing of  ‘somebody’, “This glass floor is 38mm…..”

Eventually I walked on it! I trusted!

Eventually I trusted the words of an unknown author.

And now, why should I not trust the words of the author I know! Why should I not trust the Lord Jesus Christ and what he says?

In John 14:1 the Lord Jesus Christ is calling to all of us, “Trust in God; trust also in  me.” Please keep on reading, until you come to the end of verse four.

Do you know the hymn “Trusting Jesus” by Edgar Page Stites? The Chorus goes like this:

“Trusting as the moments fly, trusting as the days go by;

trusting Him whate’er befall, trusting Jesus – that is all.”

In Matthew 25:31 the Lord Jesus Christ says that he is coming again, “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit on the throne of His glory.”

I know the author of those words, the Lord Jesus Christ,  and I trust him!

I am looking forward to The Second Coming of Christ!

What about you?