SPRING (September – November)

In a health publication (Family Health Diary, September/October 10) I find an article called “Putting the spring back into your life”. On page two of the same publication I read “…..putting a spring back in your step…”

Please read the two sentences again without the ‘back’. “Putting the spring into your life”. “…..putting a spring in your step”.

When you give flowers to someone, you  put a spring in someones  step. You bring joy into the life of that person.

I still remember the time, when the Lord Jesus Christ put a spring in  my step. That was many, many years ago. There is  peace! There is happiness. Do you know how many things are happening the moment a sinner accepts  Christ? The answer is 38!

There are things in relation to God the Father, in relation to God the Son, in relation to God the Holy Spirit, in relation to sin, in relation to satan and finally in relation to others.

Read also what the Lord Jesus Christ says in John 4:13,14 in His talk with a Smaritan Woman: “Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

The spring the Lord Jesus Christ put in my step brought me from Germany to the other end of the world to New Zealand – and what an adventure with the Lord in between.