“Go Totally Wireless at Home……”

“Go totally wireless at home and pay just $30.53 for your first 6 months.” That’s what it says at the top of the flyer, I picked up today at the local vodafone store in town. At the bottom I read: “Ask us how to go totally wireless today.” “Terms and conditions apply” of course.

When I am thinking about “totally” wireless PRAYING comes to my  mind. God is omnipresent! That means that He is present everywhere at one and the same time. Read Psalm 139:7-9. But there are also conditions of prayer. Here are seven from the book: One hundred Bible Lessons by A. Douglas.

1. We must keep the commandments of God. First John 3:22

2. We must forgive others before God will hear and answer our prayers. Mark 11:25

3. We must pray in the will of God. Romans 8:27

4. We must pray in faith believing. Mark 11:24

5. We must pray in Jesus’ name. John 16:24

6. We must pray in the Holy Spirit. Jude 20

7. We must abide in Christ.  John 15:7


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