“Who do you TRUST……?”
“Looking for a mechanic you can trust?” says an advertisement in the local paper, The Northland Age, Thursday, October 21, 2010 on page ten. The ad continues: “Come and see us for quality workmanship and advice you can trust.“
On page three in the same paper is more about trust, another advertisement. This one says: “Who do you trust locally?” It’s all about selling sheds for boats. The answer to the question “Who do you trust locally?” is also in the ad. Here it is: “We trust the team at Shed Boss Northland & Rodney.”
What is trust? Let us see what the dictionary has to say: “Reliance on and confidence in the truth, worth, reliability, etc., of a person or thing; faith.”
We are reading about trust in advertisements, as we have seen just now.
But what does the BIBLE, the Word of the Living God, say about trust?
If you trust in man, if you depend on flesh for your strength and if your heart turns away from the LORD, you are cursed. But if you trust in the LORD and if your confidence is in the LORD, you are blessed. Please read Jeremiah 17:5-8.
And in John 14:1 Jesus says to his Disciples: “Trust in God; trust also in me.”
This is my answer to the question “WHO DO YOU TRUST?” :
I am trusting in the eternal, unchangeable, omnipotent (he possesses all power), omnipresent (he is present everywhere at one and the same time) and omniscient (he has all knowledge) God. I am trusting the Lord Jesus Christ who says, “In my Father’s house are many rooms;..” and who also says, “I am going there to prepare a place for you.”