“GOD HELP US” says the SUNDAY NEWS (21. November 2010) in large type and then you can read “Nation prays as fears grow for the 29 trapped miners” in smaller print. The HERALD on SUNDAY has the headline “The Pike River 29 in the Nation’s prayers” on the same day.
You don’t find phrases like that very often in the newspapers.
“God help us.” “The Pike River 29 in the Nation’s Prayers.” That’s right, “PRAYER is talking with Jesus” and the Lord Jesus Christ is God. “Prayer is the soul of man talking to God.” Prayer is communicating with God!
In a very old magazine for booties I read this ICOM advertisement “Setting a New Standard in Communication”. Booties know what ICOM dealers are selling.
I am not asking you, but I am asking myself: What about my communication with my creator? How can I improve my talking with the Lord Jesus Christ?
Lots is written already about Prayer. You have read about the hindrances to prayer and how to pray. Hindrances to prayer? Unforgiveness, selfishness, unbelief and more. How to pray? We must pray in faith, with persistence, specifically, in the name of Christ and there are more Laws of Prayer.
But you probably know all that already.
Let us look into the Bible, the Word of the Living God, and learn how to pray:
A. The psalmist is praying.
Psalm 119:18
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”
A prayer for readers of the Bible.
Our physical eyes are blind to see the wonders in the Word of God.
There is blindness within us and we must ask God to take that blindness away to see the wonders in His Word.
B. What can we learn from the prayer of Jacob?
Genesis 32:10-13
We can learn three things:
1. He is trusting the promises of the Lord. At the beginning of the prayer and at the end of the prayer he is pleading the promises of God.
We also must stand on the promises of God. Psalm 27:8
2. He is thankful for the goodness of the Lord and humble in his prayer.
He was going to ask for help, because of the trouble with his brother Esau, but he felt to say thanks to God first.
We also must be thankful. Philippians 4:6
3. He is specific in his prayer.
His prayer is to be saved from the hand of Esau. Very specific!
There are general prayers, but let us remember also to bring specific things before the Lord.
End: God answered his prayer and gave him even more than he asked for.