Te Wa
“Tomuri rawa te wa mo ratou e tatari ana
Tere rawa te wa mo ratou e wehi ana
Roa rawa te wa mo ratou e tangi ana
Poto rawa te wa mo ratou e hari koa ana
Mo Ratou e aroha ana Kahore rawa He mutunga mai” (Maori)
“Time is too slow for those who wait
Time is too fast for those who fear
Time is too long for those who mourn
Time is too short for those who rejoice
for those who love time is eternal” (English)
We find the story of Jacob and his sons in the first book of the Bible. Please read in the book of Genesis the chapters 28-50. If you don’t want to read all the chapters, read chapter 29!
Jacob did not fear, Jacob did not mourn. He did not rejoice. What did Jacob do? Jacob waited, he waited to be married to……. Rachel.
He waited not only, but he served seven years to get Rachel. Imagine, seven long years. That are 84 months or 364 weeks or 2555 days.
But what did we read just now? “But for those who love time is eternal.”
Eternal means “unchanged by time”. The meaning of eternity is the “timeless existence”.
That’s why it says in Genesis 29:20
“So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him…….” Why? “because of his LOVE for her.”