Werner Dekarski Blog
Picture / Bibelschule Brake
Not long ago I received an invitation to attend the SPRING Conference of the Bible College in Brake. The conference dates: 29. April – 1. Mai 2011.
The Bible College Brake has been in existence for 62 years without losing the vision:
Mission, telling others about JESUS!

That’s the general theme of the Autumn Conference, telling others about JESUS!
And here are the other themes:
JESUS, the true vine, John 15:1;
JESUS, the light of the world, John 8:12;
JESUS, the good shepherd, John 10:11;
JESUS, the resurrection and the life, John 11:25 ;
JESUS, the way and the truth and the life, John 14:6.
I am a graduate of BIBLE COLLEGE BRAKE!