Fishers of Men

FISHERS OF MEN ( Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)


That’s how a letter in the “Braker Ehemaligen Forum” begins.

The “Braker Ehemaligen Forum” is the newspaper of the graduates of the BIBLE COLLEGE  BRAKE in Germany.

Other letters start with “My dear,….” and “My dear sisters and brothers,…”

The letter which begins with “Dear fishers of men,…”  is written by Ernie Klassen (Uncle Ernie), who was a teacher at the Braker Bible College when I attended.

In his letter uncle Ernie, who is 92 years old, is writing:

“I am almost every day on the street telling people about the Lord. In the year 2010 I distributed more than 2,500 tracts and gave away about 1,200 CDs.”

I think only people who are on the street almost every day telling people about the Lord find it easy to start a letter with “Dear fishers of men,…”