“Want to make a difference in your Community?”

Last Sunday in the morning when I was on my way to church I took the following picture:


In the afternoon on the same day I read more about “making a difference”.

One advert said “Make a difference in your community”. The other ad asked the question “Want to make a difference in your community?”

Do you want to make a difference in your community?

Not long ago I read about a man who is making a difference in his community right now.

His name is Ernie Klassen. He used to be my teacher at Bible College in Germany and he lives now in Canada.

He begins a letter with “Dear fishers of men…” and with Matthew 4:19. At the age of 92, yes, 92, he is still on the street almost every day talking to people about the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2010 he distributed 2,500 tracts and gave away 1,200 Cds.

He was also the business manager of BIBELSCHULE BRAKE and people asked him how he managed to get money. He answered that God did not tell us to collect money, but to be his witnesses.

You probably know that missionaries go home after a number of years on furlough to visit their friends for financial support. We called Ernie Klassen uncle Ernie. Uncle Earnie did not need to do that. He says that God was his business manager.