“This questionnaire does not address a candidate’s character – only where they stand on certain issues,” I am reading in a Family First NZ publication.
The questionnaire encourages us to value our vote in the Election 2011. Why should we value our vote? Because the politicians we elect will influence our family.
Where do party leaders and we stand on family issues?
Thirty issues are listed in the questionnaire. Here are the first three:
— Define marriage as one man and one woman
— Policies promoting marriage
— Parents as primary responsibility – not government
Where do our leaders stand and where do we stand on family issues – and other issues ?
We can support, oppose, be undecided or refuse to say.
I define marriage as one man and one woman. I support policies promoting marriage. I support parents as primary responsibility – not the government.
Why do I do that?
Let me tell you where I stand on spiritual issues:
For me the Bible does not contain the Word of God, for me the Bible IS the word of God. For me the Bible is the guide book to everlasting life.
And let me tell you, that makes all the difference!
One of the hymns I really like singing is “Standing on the Promises.” The hymn has five verses and here is verse four:
“Standing on the promises I now can see perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me; standing in the liberty where Christ makes free, standing on the promises of God.”