On my way to the centre of our beautiful town KAITAIA I pass The National Bank. Through the window I can see a big poster inside the Bank. On the poster I am reading about a “new home” and a “perfect home.”
Whenever I read that I am reminded of my new and perfect home in heaven the BIBLE teaches about and the hymn writers write songs about.
What does the BIBLE teach about our new and perfect home in heaven?
First of all let me say that I like to talk a lot about heaven, because I am going there. If you are familiar with this blog you know that already.
In Second Corinthians 5:1 we read that Heaven is not only a building, but that Heaven is a building of God. Hebrews 4:9 teaches that Heaven is called a place of rest.
Heaven is also called the Father’s House. John 14:2 “In my Father’s house are many rooms;……” The Lord Jesus Christ says that. He says also that he is “the life” and “the truth” and “the way” to his Father’s house.
I know the way to the Father’s house and I count it a privilege to tell others that the Lord Jesus Christ is THE WAY!
I have lots of opportunities to do so:
Lately I met GREENPEACE people here in Kaitaia and talked to one man for quite some time. I was also given a RED FISH GUIDE. I am looking at the guide just now.
I think there are a good number of Germans coming through Kaitaia and it is a joy for me to talk to them. (I am fluent in German!) I meet them usually in a well-known family restaurant with FREE WIFI here in town. I also encourage them to write down my E-mail address and my website: www.wernerdekarski.net!
Please read the last book of the BIBLE, Revelation, and you find out that Heaven is a PERFECT PLACE.
Heaven is a place of perfect sinlessness. Let us also rejoice that Heaven is a place of perfect satisfaction, perfect provision and PERFECT GOVERNMENT!
What do the hymn writers write about our new and perfect home in heaven?
HEAVEN is the topic of many hymns.
I like the hymn WHEN THE TRUMPET OF THE LORD SHALL SOUND by James M. Black. Do you know the hymn FACE TO FACE WITH CHRIST MY SAVIOUR? (Carrie E. Breck)
COME ALONG WITH ME TO MY FATHER’S HOUSE, is another beautiful hymn about heaven.
And yes, “Come along with me to my Father’s house, Where there’s joy, joy, joy!
“In the remote parts of the countryside old people still say of those who die, They have gone home.” –Earl Baldwin (Good in Everything by H. L. GEE)
“In a quiet churchyard in Sussex is a simple grave which bears this lovely inscription : Gone home with a Friend.” – Rev. William J. May (Good in Everything by H. L. Gee)