He did not say very much, whether it was at the meal table or when he was together with other people. That’s how I  remember the elderly gentleman.

We are not surprised when somebody does not talk very much at the meal table, but rather eats.  But I was rather surprised and could not understand why the elderly man was sitting there like a stone even at a gathering of the family.

Sadly it is now too late to ask him, “Why are you always so quiet?”  When he was still alive I thought he was just shy.

Maybe I am talking too much at certain times.


I read this about wisdom lately and I am again challenged:

Wisdom has two parts: 1. Having lots to say. 2. Not saying it.

Many years ago the Lord burned one verse of the BIBLE ino my mind. The verse is Isaiah 30:15, especally where it says, “….,  in quietness …. is your strength, …..” Please read the whole verse. I am reading there also, “…., but you would have none of it.” But I want all of it.  And I really do. I want to be quiet. We can ask the Lord every day to help us to be quiet. Who does not want to be strong? But what a challenge!!

I am still wondering about the old gentleman. Was he shy, not at ease in the company of other people, or was he wise? Since we cannot ask him, let us say he was wise and follow his footsteps.