Devotional Treasuries I like to read besides the BIBLE, like UNTO THE HILLS by Billy Graham, RENEWED DAY BY DAY by A. W. Tozer and  MORNING AND EVENING by C. H. Spurgeon. There are other devotional treasuries of course.

Today is September 1 and C. H. Spurgeon explains the text

“You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory,”

in his Daily Readings called MORNING AND EVENING.  We find those precious words in Psalm 73:24! (A Psalm of Asaph)

Now  I know that the Lord Jesus Christ has guided me with his counsel from ETERNITY TO ETERNITY. (Please read Ephesians 1:4. There it says, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”)

But that was not always the case. I became aware that the Lord Jesus Christ was guiding me with his counsel when I was in my teens, when I was exactly eighteen years old. At the time I passed from darkness to light, from death to life. At that time I had my second birthday, I began a new life. My life of adventure began.


Especially on one radio station at that time in Germany  I was able to listen to many evangelists.

There was Werner Heukelbach. I dare say that at that time you could find his tracts all over Germany.

Samuel Furrer, another radio evangelist, had a holiday home in Switzerland, and I met him while staying there.

I stayed also at the holiday home of BIBELSCHULE BEATENBERG in Switzerland and was able to attend lectures.

Many of the radio evangelists had meetings in Germany and Switzerland. I went to meetings where Wim Malgo was speaking, I went to evangelistic campaings where the JANZ TEAM was speaking.

Before I entered BIBELSCHULE BRAKE in Germany I had the privilege to get to know missionary work in ITALY, not far away from Rome.

My training at  BIBELSCHULE BRAKE included three practical terms. The first term was spent in London, learning english. During my second and third term I was in charge of the meetings for children in a tent and in a big bus. An evangelist spoke in the evening. When our tent burned down in the north of Germany we carried on having meetings in a bus.


Bibelschule BRAKE

Picture / Bibelschule Brake

After graduating from BIBELSCHULE BRAKE I entered the canditates course of a missionary society and after doing deputation work almost all over Germany I arrived in THAILAND just before Christmas 1966.

My first journey to Thailand was by boat from Marseille to Bangkok through the Suez Canal and that was terrific!



Just as I know that the Lord Jesus Christ has guided me with his counsel from before the creation of  the world until now I know that he will guide me with his counsel until he will take me into his eternal glory!