When I read “ESSENTIALS” on the price tag of the shirt, I looked for the word “essentials” not only in the dictionary, but also in my other books.
When I found the word “essentials” in one of my very old books – given to me by my father in law – I was really interested. (1000 New Bible Readings by Dr. F. E. Marsh – For the Help of Students and Workers)
One sermon outline (Bible Reading) has to do with the Lord’s Work. Four essentials for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ are listed. I am especially interested in essential number four: “Persistent Effort”. The other three are “Prayer, Faith, and Love”. “Prayer” is vitally important for the Lord’s work. “Faith” is absolutely necessary for the work of the Lord. “Love” is basic and fundamental for the Lord’s work.
But do we know and grasp that PERSISTENT EFFORT is also an essential for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Let me ask you another question: What is the secret of success in Christian work?
My answer is PERSONAL EVANGELISM. F. E. Marsh calls it “Individual effort, Concentration of effort”. He calls it “Going after some one person and gaining that one for Christ.”
Please read with me John 1:35-51. You find that the Lord Jesus Christ finds Andrew. Andrew finds Peter. The Lord Jesus Christ finds Philip. Philip finds Nathanael. That is the Divine order!
Personal Evangelism, (“Individual effort, Concentration of effort”) is the secret of success in Christian work.
Last Sunday in Church I wore the shirt with the $15 price tag. On the back it says “PRICED TO CLEAR $ 8,98”. I think that’s why it was bought.