“New Zealanders have an unenviable reputation as being amongst the worst abusers of children, … ” – Mike Sabin MP ( The Northland Age, Thursday, October 18, 2012 )
The government is taking action. Last week the government released the White Paper on vulnerable children.
The White paper aims to protect children. The White Paper is for children.
When I read about the White Paper for children, a whole book came to my mind. That book is not only for the children, but also for parents and every citizen of New Zealand, and every person in this world.
This is what I would do if I had the money:
I would have the TEN COMMANDMENTS on the TV maybe twentyfour times a day until everyone could say them without reading them.
Here they are:
1. “You shall have no other gods before me.”
2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.”
3. “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, …”
4. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”
5. “Honor your father and your mother, … ”
6. “You shall not murder.”
7. “You shall not commit adultery.”
8. “You shall not steal.”
9. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”
10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Of course, a campaign like that must be powered by prayer!