“Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learnt yesterday.” – Ellen Degeneres in Elle

I read the quote by Ellen Degeneres in the February 2007 Reader’s Digest.P1230131-300x225

I am now thinking about teachers.

We must find a teacher who is inerrant! But is there a teacher who is inerrant?  What is your answer?

Yes, there is a teacher who is inerrant. The inerrant teacher has even written a book for us.

The book the inerrant teacher has written for us has no contradictions.

The book written for us agrees with science. The book written for us agrees with geology. The book written for us agrees with general science. The book written for us agrees with chemistry. The book written for us agrees with geography.

The inerrant teacher is God the Holy Spirit and the name of the book is The Bible.