War Cry Giveaway


wernerweb 150x150To win a copy of A Field for Exploits,

tell us how you plan to grow spiritually this year.

For a long time I have kown the song for children “Read your Bible and pray every day …”

Looking for it, I found it eventually on the internet. Here is the first verse:

“Read your Bible and pray every day,

Pray every day, Pray every day.

Read your bible and pray every day

and you’ll grow, grow, grow!

1.  Read your Bible every day

2.  Pray every day

3. Read devotional books .The following I read:

UNTO THE HILLS by Billy Graham

MORNING AN EVENING, Daily Reading by C. H. Spurgeon

RENEWED DAY BY DAY, A Daily Devotional by A. W. Tozer 

And I have also devotional books in German. 

4. Read other good books.

By other books I am thinking about books like COMPETENT TO COUNCEL by Jay E. Adams

5. Church

Find a church that is vibrant, a church that is alive. 

I have followed that course of action in the past and I think it will also work in the year 2013!