“Happy” in the News

wernerweb-150x150This week I read two quotes about being happy in two different newspapers. One quote is by Abraham Lincoln and the other by Albert Schweitzer.

Abraham Lincoln said this about being happy: “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

I think today I read about a man who made up his mind to be happy. I am finding his story in the book called GEDULD UND GLAUBE DER HEILIGEN. The book is written by Joerg Erb.

He asked himself four questions.

His name is Wilhelm Loehe and he lived in Germany from 1808-1872. His church were mainly farmers and he sent workers to North America and Missionaries to New Guinea.

He did not only preach, but founded a community care center.

And here are the four questions, he asked himself.

First question: What do I want to do?

I want to serve.

Second question: Who do I want to serve?

I want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. And that means of course to serve the needy and the sick.

Third question: What are my wages?

I am not serving to receive wages or thanks, I am serving to show my thankfulness and it is a privilege for me to serve.

Fourth question: And if I grow old by doing so?

My heart will be fresh like a palm tree and the Lord will satisfy me with his grace and mercy. I am going in peace and I am careful for nothing.

Albert Schweitzer said this about happiness:

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”