“Everyday inspiration with specialty bread.”

“… man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD,” teaches the “BOOK OF BOOKS.” We are so prone to forget  that man consists of three component parts, namely body, soul and spirit.



We need not only food for the body, but also food for the soul.

Today is Sunday, and believe me, I have fed my body well today, but I have also nourished my soul. This morning I went to a church service at 10.00 am, where the Bread of Life is served.

Soul food is served in the church, but we must also feed ourselves.

I did that also this morning in my Quiet Time.

At the moment I am reading the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament. This morning I arrived at chapter eight and in that chapter the Lord Jesus Christ feeds the four thousand.

My “specialty bread” which inspires me every morning is “THE BOOK OF BOOKS,” the Bible.

D. E. Hoste was General Director of the China Inland Mission (Overseas Missionary Fellowship) and he said “that they never knew which candidates that arrived on the Mission field would do well in the years to come, for it all depended on how well they guarded the Quiet Time.” (One Hundred Bible Lessons by Alban Douglas)