“For Best Results”

“For best results” do four thing.

I am finding those four instructions on a small box filled with eight coffee bags. Of course we want the best results of everything and we want good outcomes.

That’s why I say if you want a good outcome of your life, the best results, follow the instructions in the “BOOK OF BOOKS”.

"For Best Results"

“For Best Results”

Things to do and not to do:

1. “‘You shall have no other gods before me.'”

2. “‘You shall not make for yourself an idol in any form ..'”

3. “‘You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God …'”

4. ‘”Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.'”

5. ‘”Honor you father and your mother, …'”

6. ‘”You shall not murder.'”

7. ‘”You shall not commit adultery.'”

8. ‘”You shall not steal.'”

9. ‘”You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.'”

10. ‘”You shall not covet your neighbors house.'”

I am going now to open the box with the coffee bags and follow the instructions to enjoy a cup of coffee with the best results. Two pictures help me to follow the instructions.

And can I encourage you to open the BIBLE, the guide book to everlasting life!