“so help us spread the word!”
I am reading that on a leaflet and I am awake. I am not only awake, but I am wide awake.
Because I am glad for the encouragement to spread the word. I have noticed also that I need the encouragement!
The fact is that I am already for a long time engaged in spreading the word.
Since I came out of darkness into the light, since I came from death into life, it is my desire to tell others about what has happened to me.

“so help us spread the word!”
One subject when I went to Bible school was called Personal Evangelism.
I still have the notes and I value them very much. They are in German and a long time ago I started to translate them into English.
1. One chapter gives us four reasons why Personal Work has advantages Here they are:
a. Everybody can do this work. b. It can happen at any time. c. It can happen at any place. d. It hits all the time.
2. Another chapter asks the question:
It was the work of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
He has commanded his followers to do the same.
It is the only biblical explanation why a Child of God, whose citizenship is in heaven, remains in this world. (Second Corinthians 5:17-21; Philippians 3:20)
3. And here is the definition of Personal Evangelism:
Personal Evangelism, is the personal, individual desire of a saved soul to lead another person to repentance, so that that person receives Jesus Christ as her or his personal Savior and then also becomes a winner of souls.
On the leaflet mentioned at the beginning we are told to spread the word about “an exciting new directory of events and activities for children and families living in New Zealand!”
Can I encourage you to spread “THE WORD OF GOD”? The Bible is known by the titles “the Scriptures,” “the Writings,” and “THE WORD OF GOD.”