When I read the name of “New Zealand’s ‘Most Inspiring Teacher’ 2012,” in The Warehouse Limited Community Snapshot “You gave, they got,” the name of the ‘Most Inspiring Teacher’ in my life came to my mind.

The ‘Most Inspiring Teacher’ in my life did not teach the subject PERSONAL EVANGELISM at Bible school, but he practiced it.
In Matthew 7:26 the Lord Jesus Christ says,
“But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”
Let me just give you a definition of PERSONAL EVANGELISM (PE):
“Personal Evangelism is the personal, individual desire of a saved soul to lead another person to repentance, so that that person receives Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and then also becomes a winner of souls.”
The name of the ‘Most Inspiring Teacher’ in my life is Ernest Klassen and he is still all about to win people for the Lord Jesus Christ in his native Canada.