"Auckland Writers & Readers Festival"

“Auckland Writers & Readers Festival”

“Books we love,” it says on the bookmark, advertising the AUCKLAND WRITERS & READERS FESTIVAL. (15-19 My 2013, Aotea Centre, the Edge)

There are many books I love.

When I was young I loved books that told me about “those faraway lands”. I think the reason for that was that I wanted to go there. And I did go from Germany to New Zealand.

But there is one book I love more than any other book.

The book I love more than any other book is like:

1.  a sword,

2.  a hammer,

3.  a seed,

4.  a mirror,

5.  a lamp,

6.  food.

The book I love more than any other book is called the GOOD BOOK.

If you don’t know what the GOOD BOOK is look “Good Book” up in the The Collins Concise Dictionary.