About a burglary we are reading in our local paper today on the front page (The Northland Age, Tuesday, May 13, 2014).
The man whose house was burgled lost almost $28 000.
He said, “that his faith in the police had fallen to below zero since his home was burgled”.
He said also, that “he had spoken to at least 40 people since he was burgled and not one of them had expressed any faith in the police”.
“HAVE FAITH IN GOD,” says the Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 11:22.
How is business carried on? Business is carried on by the principal of faith in others. We are relying on what other people are saying.
Today at SUBWAY:

The old SUBWAY in Kaitaia
I ordered a sandwich and the sandwich artist did not ask to see the money first; by faith he believed that I had the $5.00 to pay for the sandwich and the coffee.
FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ is resting on his testimony. We have the Old Testament and we have the New Testament.
1. Genesis 15:6: By FAITH we are saved.
2. John 1:12: By FAITH we receive the Lord Jesus Christ,
3. Romans 5:1: By FAITH we are justified.
4. Galatians 3:26: By FAITH we become the children of God.
5. Acts 26:18: By FAITH we are sanctified.
6. First Peter 1:5: By FAITH we are kept.
And what do we read in Psalm 127:1?
There it says: “Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.”