When I read today “Must – see movies” on the front page of the NEW ZEALAND LISTENER (May 17-23, 2014) in our beautiful Kaitaia library, Must – read books came to my mind.

Our beautiful Library in Kaitaia
There are many Must – read Books, even in my library.
Let me just mention five:
1. LOS VOM ICH by Ernst Modersohn. “Wie Gott aus einem Jakob einen Israel machte.”
That is a book I must read again! (German!)
2. SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION by D. Martyn Lloyd – Jones. “Its causes and Cure.”
3. SOMETHING MORE by Catherine Marshall.
4. REVIVAL, can we make it happen? by D Martyn Lloyd – Jones.
5. MORNING AND EVENING, Daily Readings, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
There are not only must – read books, there are also must – read again Books.
But the fact is that there is only ONE Must – Read Book and that is the BIBLE.
The Bible is also called THE BOOK OF BOOKS, the GOOD BOOK, The Word of God, the Scriptures and the Writings.
What makes me say that there is only one Must – Read Book? All other books are written be men, but the author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit.
Please read Second Peter 1:20,21.