“The Biblical Doctrine of Heaven”
HEAVEN has been on my mind and I have been looking and I am still looking for more information about heaven.
And yes, I read the Bible and I have also a few books about heaven in my library.
In one of the books about heaven the writer, a missionary and evangelist, says, that he has known the Lord Jesus Christ for 40 years. During that time he has been to many meetings and conferences and has listened to many important speakers, but he has never heard a sermon on heaven.
I am reading also that there are not many authoritative books on the subject of heaven available.
When have you heard your last sermon about heaven?
Last Friday and Saturday the Kaitaia Rotary Club sold books at rock bottom prices and now the book THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF HEAVEN by Wilbur M. Smith is in my possession. Almost nothing was paid for the book.
(I want to say again that my best books are bought second – hand)
“THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF HEAVEN will take its place as the definitive study of heaven for this century,” It says about this book.
I am looking forward not only to read it but to study it.
All I can say now with the Psalmist:
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
You read that in the Bible, in Psalm 37:4