“Smoking is highly addictive”
“Count your Blessings,” is written in big letters on an A4 paper and framed.
The frame is standing on a shelf in the room I am working in and when turning my head a bit to the left, I can see the writing now. I don’t think a day goes by when I am not in my “office”. What a reminder to count my blessings. I hope to look every day in a certain direction and read “Count Your Blessings” and count my blessings every day.
Yesterday I picked up a little booklet called “Time to quit.” It is published by The Quit Group (operating as Quit line). It is all about “What you should know about smoking…”
In the booklet I am reading:
“Tobacco companies sell the only consumer product that kills people when used as the manufacturer intends.”
“If you smoke a pack a day, it costs you around $6,000 per year.”
“When you smoke tobacco, you inhale more than 4000 chemicals.

“Count Your Blessings”
These include: Acetone (paint stripper), Ammonia (toilet cleaner), Cyanide (rat killer), DDT (insect killer), Carbon monoxide (car exhaust fumes).
At the end of the information it says, “70 percent of smokers wish they’d never started.”
What a BLESSING that I never started to smoke.
I saved around $6,000 per year. What is 60 years by $6,000? I think you can buy a house for $360,000.
Maybe I would be dead by now if I would have started smoking from the age of fifteen!
I am glad that I never did. What a BLESSING!