werner-150x150-e1367980712224Ever since the support for my operation system has ended, Microsoft Security Essentials tells me that my attention is required (pop-up window).

I am also told why my attention is required.

Ever since what happened in the Garden of Eden, God tells us that our attention is required.

We are also told why our attention is required.

In the Bible we are told why our attention is required.

What is man? Have you ever asked that question?

Man is born a sinner, a lost sinner.

Man is born an enemy of his creator. We are enemies of God.

There are many results of sin of course. DEATH is one of the results.

What can we do?

There is help. The Lord Jesus Christ is the remedy for sin.

In Matthew 11:28 the Lord Jesus Christ says,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

That verse was written above the entrance door of a church I attended for some time in Germany.

So far I have not paid any attention to Microsoft Security Essentials, but I would not dare not to pay attention to the Lord Jesus Christ.