werner-150x150-e1367980712224I know an old lady who teaches me to be thankful. You do the smallest thing for her and she surprises you with thanking you for it.

Have you ever wondered or asked what God’s will is for you? The Bible has the answer:

FIRST of all we must be joyful all the time.

SECONDLY we must pray continually.

THIRDLY we must give thanks in ALL circumstances.

That’s what Paul writes in his letter to the Thessalonians, and let me remind you again that all the letters in the New Testament are written to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (First Thessalonians 5:18).

Not long ago  I read “True thanksgiving emphasizes the Giver rather than the gifts.”

I read also that a Duke University Medical researcher said the following, “If thankfulness were a drug, it would be the world’s best selling product with [health benefits] for every major organ system.”

Maybe that is one of the reasons why the old lady mentioned at the beginning is almost 100 years of age (not quite).

And yes, she is also a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.