“Ear Health” and Professional Ear Care,” says the advertisement and I am reminded of deafness.
There is physical deafness and there is spiritual deafness and we are reading about physical and spiritual deafness in the Bible, the Word of God.
In his Gospel Mark tells us about the healing of a man who was not only deaf, but also mute. Please read his story in Mark 7:31-37.

A sophisticated hearing aid
But I am more interested in spiritual deafness. If you ask me: “Why? this is my answer: “Because I have been spiritually deaf once myself.” In Matthew 13:13 the Lord Jesus Christ says,
“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”
The Lord Jesus Christ is quoting from Isaiah 6:9+10 and says in people like that is the prophecy of Isaiah fulfilled.
I remember when I heard the Word of God and did not hear it, did not understand it.
At that time the Bible was for me like any other book.
But the time came when the Lord Jesus Christ opened my ears and the Word of God became alive for me.
Read what Isaiah says in Isaiah 50:5 “The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears …”
There are hearing aids – and I have seen them being used – for people who are physically deaf, but only the Lord can open the ears of people who are spiritually deaf.