“Time to check you pasture,” is the article in the paper called (Northern News, April 8, 2015), and I find what I am reading is really speaking to me. It is a message for me.
Lifestyle Block owners are told that autumn – and it is autumn now in New Zealand (Aotearoa) – is the time to get their pasture ready for winter and 8 autumn tips are given.

A picture is also included in the article, sheep grazing in the foreground and in the background you can see a tall hedge, behind the hedge tall trees and big mountains.
The sheep remind me that David says in Psalm 23:1 “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, …”
Where are my pastures?
I know where I am feeding. You know where you are feeding.
It is my habit to read the Bible from cover to cover and I read at least one chapter every morning when I am at home. It is also my habit to read devotional classics. At the moment I am reading MORNING AND EVENING, daily readings by C. H. Spurgeon. The book I am reading is called GOD’S WAY OF RECONCILIATION by D. M. Lloyd-Jones. In the book I find studies in Ephesians two.
Do you think it is time to check your pasture?
Lifestyle Block owners and farmers are told that autumn is the time to check their pastures, but for me the message is to check my pasture all the time.