“Take five for Faith,” was a broadcast called I was listening to in TAK / Thailand. It came from the Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) in Manila / Philippines.

It was a five minutes talk on faith. I still remember the name of the speaker.

Today I want to encourage you to take time for prayer, less than five minutes or longer. Why that? Because we are better off.

A.   EVE took from the forbidden fruit.



You find the story of Eve in the first book of the Bible, in Genesis, but read also what Paul says in Second Corinthians 11:3 in the New Testament.

B.  JUDAS become a traitor and committed suicide.

The story of the Apostle Judas, also called Iscariot, is told in Matthew 10:4 and in Matthew 26:14-56. About his suicide we read in Matthew 27:3-5.

C.  ABSALOM ended his life in a terrible way.

How Absalom got killed is related in Second Samuel chapter 18.

D.  DAVID fell into sin with Bathsheba.

David was not only an adulterer, but he also murdered Uriah. Read that in Second Samuel chapters 11 and 12.

All those people would have been better off, if they would have taken time to make known their plans before the living God in prayer.

What about our plans? Are we taking time and are we making our plans known before the living God in Prayer?

We are better off if we do.