Northland – New Zealand

It was actually necessary business that made us go to Whangarei from Kaitaia at this time of the year. WINTER (June – August), is actually not the best time to be travelling. This is also the time of the year with the lowest temperatures.

But we did not only do the business, we managed also to do some sightseeing.


A marina is “an elaborate docking facility for yachts and other pleasure boats,” says The Concise Collins Dictionary. Here you can see fishing boats, and not only local yachts but also international yachts.


Here we find the largest collection of clocks in the Southern Hemisphere:Victorian Cuckoo clocks, many unique and fun clocks. There are also rare antiques.

We stayed for three nights at the CASA BLANCA MOTEL. The motel is actually within walking distance from the CBD.


WHANGAREi IN WINTER: But there is no snow in Whangarei.

WHANGAREI: It is the warmest city in New Zealand.

WHANGAREI: The region is subtropical.

WHANGAREI: Here you find lots of things to do, but our stay was too short this time.

WHANGAREI: Northland has an average of 2000 sunshine hours every year.

WHANGAREI: Here you find also really good coffee shops.

WHANGAREI: Lots of things to do and lots of things to see, really, but you must have plenty of time..

WHANGAREI: Wintertime (Jun – Aug).

WHANGAREI: The Clapham National Clock Museum.

WHANGAREI: The Clapham National Clock Museum.

WHANGAREI: The Clapham National Clock Museum.

WHANGAREI: The Motel is within walking distance from the CBD.