“The only book you need to lead you to success,” is written on the back cover of the book I picked up yesterday from my small library.

SUCCESS is a word we come across quite often. All of us love success.

Today in my reading of the Bible from cover to cover I arrived at 1 Samuel chapter 18. That chapter is telling me how successful David was. Should I be surprised about that?

DAVID WAS SUCCESSFUL: “because the LORD was with him.”

David climbed up the ladder, because he was successful. But why was he so successful?

The Bible tells us that the King “Saul gave him a high rank in the army.” (1 Samuel 18:15) Not only all the people liked that but also the officers of Saul

The Bible tells us also that “David met with more success than the rest of Saul’s officers, …” (1 Samuel 18:30) Everybody was talking about David and he became very famous.

But the Bible has more to say about success at the beginning if the book of Joshua.

In order to be successful and prosperous we must obey the Bible. “Do not turn from it [the law] to the right or to the left, ….” it says in Joshua 1:7. “Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, …” we read in Joshua 1:8.

David was successful, “because the LORD was with him.” (1 Samuel 18:14)

The book I picked up from my library yesterday is called How to win friends and influence people.” The author is Dale Carnegie.

I bought it some tome ago second-hand for a Dollar here in New Zealand.