It is dark, raining and cold, and I think I can even hear thunder in the distance. It is winter in New Zealand. That’s why it is the time, for me anyway, to read books in Aotearoa.
Even more so because the Sallies here in Kaitaia had a second hand book sale not long ago and I must have bought Christian books of the value of more than $200, if I would have bought them new, for almost nothing.
I love to read expositions. At the present time I am reading “An Exposition of Ephesians One” by D M Lloyd-Jones called “God’s Ultimate Purpose.” I think he is one of the best teachers of the Bible. I have heard him preach many years ago at Westminster Chapel in London.
- The Spirit that is in the Bible, the Word of God (“Testimonium Spiritus Externus”). 2 Peter 1:21 and 2 Timothy 3:16.
- The Spirit in the Reader (“Testimonium Spiritus Internus”): Without the Spirit in us, we cannot understand the Word of God. With other words, the Bible is not food for us.

“Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4
This is one of the most important doctrines of the Christian faith.
Not that I needed the books from the Salvation Army to read, because I have many books in my little library at home already, which I have not read properly, and expositions of books of the Bible, which I like to read again and again.
But it is not only time to read Christian books, it is time to read “The Book of Books,” the Bible. How are you getting on with your reading of the Bible?
But for many people here in New Zealand this is the time to leave the country and go where the sun is shining. But as Elizabeth Clarke Dunn says, “Change is an easy panacea. It takes character to stay in one place and be happy there.”