
“You’re not connected,” it says on my computer screen. That is actually quite sad. But I am rejoicing that the Bible tells me that I am connected to the Lord Jesus Christ.

What must we do to get connected to the Lord Jesus Christ? But first of all let us answer another question, namely:

You find the Internet in Kaitaia on Commerce Street.


  1. To have fellowship with Him, that’s why God created us.
  2. But our sins separate us from our creator.
  3. By our good deeds we cannot remove sin.
  4. The Lord Jesus Christ paid the price for sin. That’s why He died and rose again.
  5. What must we do, to have eternal life? We must trust in Him.
  6. Life with our Lord Jesus Christ starts now and lasts for ever.

In order to get connected to the Lord Jesus Christ, we must trust him.

Whether we are connected to the Internet or not, does not really matter at the end of the day. But what matters is whether we are connected to the Lord Jesus Christ. It matters not only for this life, but also for eternity.

Are you connected to the Lord Jesus Christ?


“Whereas the world finds that its idea of freedom as throwing off all external constraints leads only to restless and disillusioned bitterness, Christians  know in their bondservice to their Redeemer inward joy, peace and contentment.” –  J. I. Packer